Thursday, April 14, 2011

When is it Too Young?

It kind of concerns me that MTV is approaching the third season of 16 and pregnant.  We've also hit two seasons of Teen Mom.  Bring us another 4 memorable girls from the first and we'll have season 3 of the second show.  But looking at all of this, it really bears the question of "when are they just too young?"

Now I spent all day yesterday watching Juno, which is oddly such a cute movie, considering the oh so controversial topic of being pregnant at such a young age. Juno handles it with a healthy dose of humor and sarcasm, despite the abnormal situation that becomes of her life, in getting involved with a couple who has arranged for a closed adoption at the end of it all. 

How young is too young?  Sexual activity is starting younger and younger in age.  I'm hearing of kids as early as 12 and 13 now having sex, you see it in Maury episodes of all these teenagers who have sex, or want to have sex and want to have babies, but they don't understand all the complications that arise from engaging in it, emotionally and physically.  For women especially, it messes with your hormones, not to mention your cycle.  And this is all stuff you can learn from a 7th grade health class.  There's even a Lifetime movie "She's Too Young" about a girl who gave in to having sex with this guy she had a crush on, and also was pretty much incredibly pressured by her friends, only to end up with an STD and the blame for it, by these so-called friends. 

I've heard girls talking amongst themselves about their boyfriends or ex-boyfriends cheating on them while they were still "talking" or still dating, girls talking of messing with guys who messed with more than one girl at the same time, and getting into messes they don't want to be a part of.  Girls who get emotionally involved, end up fighting this other chick for messing with her man, for trying to get with her ex, etc.

 But here's my problem with this all, cheating is something that has destroyed the lives of married couples, and adult couples, leaving the women emotionally distraught for putting their trust into men who eventually broke their hearts.  It's just sad to know that something that hurts us older women so much is something that young teenagers take with a grain of salt and keep on moving.  And some of you may disagree, but when you hear what I hear, you'd see it that way too.  I'm just saying, it's all unfortunate.  Where do we draw the line, when do we decide that it's time to pump the break on sexual activity and try to convince the future of the world that it's worth waiting for, it's worth delaying. And when as I said before, is it appropriate to say, "You're just too young".

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