Sunday, April 24, 2011

Boys and Toys...or Boys as Toys?

Question:  Would you rather use Boys and Toys? Or rather use a boy as your toy?

Before I begin, here's some basic stats for you:

44% of women between the ages of 18 and 60 have used a sex toy, 20% of men report using a vibrator.
1 in 5 woman masturbate at least once a week...Of those women, 60% report using a sex toy in their "play".
78% of women who report using a sex toy, stated they were in arelationship, 23% of adults use sex toys in their relationship.

So let's begin our discussion. So 56 percent of women have not used a sex toy, and why is that?  Well talking amongst a few friends, I have found that those women say "Why use a toy, when I can just get the real thing?"  Fascinating fact is, apparently women who have used a sex toy are not only more self confident, but they also have more orgasms when they do have sexual relations with their partner. 

So back to the boys as toys thing.  Is there such a thing as using a boy to experiment with your own body? To allow someone to touch along every curve, every nook, and to find the spots that release the most pleasure, to give them permission to navigate their way along the very thing that is our temple, to find what makes our toes curl, our muscles tighten, and spasm.  One would think that it takes just as much confidence to be able to trust a man with our bodies, a man who has never experienced our body before, even if he experienced others, as every woman is different, and sensitive to different things, in different areas.  It would take a great deal of trust, and a great deal of confidence to allow such a thing to happen, even if we don't get the full gratification out of it.  But if we don't get full gratification, who is at fault, you or him?  Is it his because he doesn't know the ways, or you for not telling him?  Maybe you weren't in the mood, maybe he wasn't.  Maybe he got lost, but half the fun should be in the discovery process anyway! Women shouldn't have to hand men a map to our bodies, with the prime location for pleasure, where's the fun in it? Then the question becomes, if we don't get that full pleasurable release, do we lose confidence in ourselves, and our sexual abilities, forcing us to rely on toys rather than allowing ourselves to experience that which a man has to offer?

So, tell me what you think...I'm curious

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