Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Some Girls Like it Too

Awesome title, but yet I'm talking about porn.  Yes, I'm serious, some girls like it too.  Think about it, if we didn't, you wouldn't have it, because there would be no ladies in the industry.  However, since there are plenty of women in the industry of porn, I think it's safe to say, we like it too.
It doesn't stop there.  We like to watch just like the next guy that walks into the room.  But just like the situation with masturbation, we prefer to have the real thing.  It's kind of like the thing we go to for the little bit of moisture it would take to get a toy in there.  And if at any point this gets too graphic for some of you please feel free to stop reading.  If you're getting a little excited, do yourself a favor, go to your favorite site, pick your favorite clip and enjoy.

So why is porn so appealing?  Well, like any other thing in life, we turn to videos and movies for educational purposes.  Porn falls in that same boat.  I mean really, when we want to learn something new sexually, we can do one of two things, try it out the next time you have an encounter, or watch a porno.  Either way, we sit there to educate ourelves on a "new trick".  And guys, don't you dare sit there and act like you never asked your girl to be like that chick you saw in that video, or to dress like her.

And ladies, when a guy asks you to be that girl, ask him to be that guy.  Tell him the things you want him to do, give him the positions you want to try, because it shouldn't be up to only him to "spice up your life", it's about compromise.  Oh and there's absolutely nothing wrong with a guy watching girl on girl action, they get excited about more than one set of titties, but guys, don't be so upset if a chick likes to watch guy on guy action...some girls like to see different sized weenies. 

Is it weird that I'm writing about this topic? Not at all.  It is super easy to write about any topic nowadays with the amount of information that the web can give us.  And if you're a smart cookie, you can use that info to come up with your own opinions, inferences, and write a pretty decent entry about it.  But hey, again, why not sit back, relax, and just watch it any way you can get it :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Untitled Blog of Love

I sit here listening to my iPod because I can't sleep (and apparently I can't type either). I've got a few things on my mind tonight and one of them is one of the members of phunk phenomenon on ABDC bcz he's hot despite the fact that he's not my type, yet somehow I feel like I could fall for a dude that looks like he does. Besides that, I'm also thinking about how I want more from my life. I need a better job already and I keep applying to what feels like faraway dreams and improbabilities.

I'm that girl who's loved a great deal by her friends, who has to be told constantly that she is indeed a great girl, otherwise, she'll never believe it.  Nor does she believe that she's beautiful, or that she's amazing, and all those great things that only her friends and family can seem to atest to.  Despite my best efforts, and despite not making one and trying to let love find me rather than me trying to find love, I have spent and experienced years of finding nothing worthwile, and finding everything that I didn't need.

I want to feel a love like no other, one that caters to the hopeless romantic in me, one that generates a connection on a chemical level to where our brain waves and our souls vibe together in ways never imagined. The thing about me, is that I will admit I can love easily, and sometimes I do.  But I know that the love, the trust, and the effort I put into these men, only result in friendships, which I am more than satisfied with, because I know these are people I can seek comfort in, and some sort of reassurance, or at least honest feedback. 

ONE DAY...(haha I had to, being that it's part of the title of my page), I will find perfection, because perfection is what I seek.  And I don't mean perfection in personality, or physical appearance, but I mean perfection in our compatibility.  Our personalities will complement each other, and we'd fit like two pieces of a puzzle.  It's a dream, yes, it's a wish that I've made upon hundreds of stars, and countless times on 11:11.  As many times as I'd like to have given up, I can never seem to lose hope, because there's just a part of me that won't let it die. That hopeless romantic in me that screams to be in front of the tv, and as the rain falls outside my window a tear rolls down my cheek as I think of all my favorite TV couples, wanting and yearning for that which I have yet to experience. With that said, I can only hope to find those things, so that I may feel some type of fulfillment rather than a massive void.