Sunday, September 1, 2013

Real Men (dedicated)

Ok, so I've been seeing these posts and pictures everywhere, and I'm honestly so tired of it, that I need to make something clear.

A man is NOT defined by how often he texts his girl, or how often he calls her. There was a time when there were no cell phones and a man had to walk his ass to a girl's house, throw rocks at a window just to get her attention, or call the house phone and ask her mom if he could speak with her. Texting is a modern day privilege that most of us have forgotten we once did without. Don't define your fucking boyfriend by the number of texts he sends. Cut that shit out, get real, a text is a text, and most times, we take them out of context anyway.

A man is NOT defined by how many times he says he misses you. Guys are fucking guys, they very rarely show emotion. Most girls are lucky to have a guy who isn't AFRAID to utter those words, let alone get a guy to say "I love you". Ask around, tell your friends be honest, and I bet you half your friends are dating a guy that can't even say "I care", "I miss you" or "I LIKE YOU".

A man is NOT defined by how he lays it down in the bedroom. That's your business, nobody else's. He doesn't need to pull your hair, he doesn't need to play rough. A good man in the bedroom caters to what his girl NEEDS. He knows her body, he knows her mind, he knows her soul. If she can feel at the end of her encounter that there's nothing better than the connection that just resulted from the intimate moment they just shared, then guess what ladies, you got yourself a "Real Man".

And lastly, to all you selfish, materialistic type chicks...your MAN is not defined by how much money he spends on you, the "just because" gifts he gets you, the things he does for your birthday, that concert he took you to, that Coach bag he bought you, etc. How much would you bet if you asked him why he did it, that "just because" turns into "because that's what she expects". Good job, you became an obligation.

A "REAL Man" is defined by the way he treats his girl at all times. The way he treats her when they're alone, the way he treats her in front of his friends, family, her friends, her family. A man is defined by the love he gives to her. Any guy can SAY they love you, but how many of them will show it? A man who loves you knows that your happiness is what matters most, that the smile on your face lights up HIS world. He doesn't need to say it 10 times a day, because if he was a REAL man, you'd know that no matter what happens, he loves you more than anyone else. A real man will not just introduce you to his mom, but make you feel like you're a part of his family, that his mom is your mom, and that she loves you as much as he does. A real man knows that the real treasure, is the beautiful woman that he is with, and that no amount of jewelry can make her more valuable, because she already was. A real man knows that no amount of time can come between the relationship. He's not afraid to take that two week business trip because he knows that when he returns, you won't love him any less, in fact if you were smart, you'd love him more. That business trip was so that he could keep his job to support YOU.

To all those Real men out there, the ones not defined by today's standards, keep doing what you do, because one day, we woman will wise up when we realize that we were searching for the wrong things. Some of us may take a little longer, but hey us girls are willing to wait for guys too. To the women who understand what I'm saying, and know a real man, or have a real man, thank God for him tonight, because some of us are still wishing for one.

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