Sunday, October 20, 2013

Keeping Promises

Ecclesiastes 5:5
"It is better to say nothing than to make a promise and not keep it"

I'm more guilty of this than you can ever imagine. My path to God was clouded and I strayed from it. My devotional says that when we feel obligated we make promises, and when we don't keep them, we disappoint those we make the promises to. So lately, I've been mad at God, and I made a promise to go to church and I didn't keep it, and I felt like God punished me further for it. But then I realized that I did it because I felt obligated to live in God's Good Will through charitable and Christian actions. But in doing so, I was not true to myself and to my journey. I became someone and something that I'm not.

People have this stereotype, this standard and expectation of what it means to be close to God. And if we don't live by that example, then we aren't living in the Light of our Lord. The thing is, everybody has a different relationship with God and that's what makes it special. I'm no less God's child because I don't go to church. I pray everyday and I ask for Him to walk by my side and protect me. I pray for His guidance whether I need it or not. I long to feel His presence as any child of God would. I long to feel His influence, I open my heart to Him and I ask that He open my life to as many miracles as He sees fit. I open my heart and soul to His love and I pray to live in the Light of His love in all the ways that best work for me. I'm not closed to self-improvement, it's why I now turn to Him. But I cannot be forced, I release myself from expectation and obligation and I walk with God as He intended me to: as myself, as Melissa, as the child of God.

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